English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan "foul" 'n onregverdige of onwettige daad beteken, veral in sport. As 'n byvoeglike naamwoord kan dit aanstootlik, walglik of onaangenaam in reuk, smaak of voorkoms beteken. Dit kan ook verwys na iets wat moreel of eties verkeerd is, of iets wat belemmer of onsuiwer is. As 'n werkwoord kan "vuil" beteken om iets vuil of onrein te maak, om iets te belemmer of daarmee in te meng, of om 'n onbillike of onwettige daad te pleeg.

Sentence Examples

  1. The heat pounding down, the tarmac rippling like a desert and the fumes foul.
  2. There was, in fact, little else to do the weather was foul.
  3. The first inhalation was foul, and the taste made her gag.
  4. I had no intention of experiencing whatever foul deeds it had been sent to do to me, even if it meant punishment from the overseer.
  5. A sleuth can make any number of assumptions as to his whereabouts and surmise whether he met with foul play.
  6. Before the foul liquid could reach his shirt, his body began to decompose, collapsing within itself.
  7. I was about to use some foul language, but then it occurred to me I heard a male voice this time.
  8. Evan glimpsed bug-like eyes, two antennae and a foul sucker that passed for a mouth, before crashing to the floor as an antenna thrashed at him like a whip.
  9. Murdock knew from their thoughts that most people expected that foul play of some kind had happened.
  10. Not one more foul slander will escape those lips ever again.