English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "bynaam" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks, maar sommige moontlike definisies sluit in:'n Klein snit of kerf, dikwels gemaak deur 'n skerp voorwerp soos 'n mes of skêr.'n Slangterm vir 'n polisiestasie of gevangenis.Om iets te steel of te vat, dikwels vinnig of sluimerig.Om by die presiese oomblik of tyd van iets, soos in "Ek het net op die tydstip aangekom."'n Verkorte vorm van die naam Nicholas of Nicole.Om 'n bynaam aan iemand te gee , of om self met 'n bynaam genoem te word.Om op die oppervlak beskadig of gekrap te word, soos in "Die motor se verf is deur 'n boomtak geknip."Om 'n presiese of akkurate meting of skatting, soos in "Sy weet regtig hoe om die regte hoeveelheid bestanddele vir 'n resep te kry."

Sentence Examples

  1. Nick had ceased to be allowed access to its inner workings.
  2. And Nick knew things about the church and about you.
  3. In the UK, clandestine government agent Nick Carter and his team find themselves faced with their deadliest enemy yet as they are forced to deal with the countries first outbreak.
  4. The brothers Nikitin were more worried about Nick than they were trusting of me.
  5. I convinced Mike that I needed to know all I could about Nick, his relationships with Katherine, the reverend, Reggie Riaz, Gina and the church.
  6. Guessing who they had once belonged to, Nick, John, or Mike, or a combination of two Nikitin brothers, or any combination of any two people on earth for that matter, was out of the question.
  7. With a tug of the reins, Rune veered Astrid, giving him a gentle nick.
  8. When he wanted his books, uh the church finances, seen to, Nick was allowed to come among the legion.
  9. Nick could be tied in, if you happened to get an investigator on the case that was worth a damn.
  10. That made it all but official, the bodies in the cabin belonged to Nick and John.