English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "muis" 'n paar verskillende betekenisse:'n klein, knaagdieragtige soogdier met spits snoet, klein ore en 'n lang, naakte of amper haarlose stert'n rekenaarinvoertoestel wat gebruik word om die wyser op die skerm te beweeg en voorwerpe of teks te kies deur knoppies te druk'n stil, bedeesde of onopvallende persoonAs 'n werkwoord beteken "muis" om met 'n rekenaarmuis om die skerm te beweeg of om muise te jag soos 'n kat of ander roofdier sou doen.

Sentence Examples

  1. The mouse had another quick nibble before moving on.
  2. Although he smiled hard, Tarkyn managed to keep up the flow of images amid cries of disgust when the mouse indulged in its various snacks.
  3. When he did it was only to find that a winged mouse had made it a home.
  4. Moving silently as a resident mouse, I snuck into the east wing where Dominic and Silas lived, taking up the entire top floor.
  5. When the mouse returns, she places my arms on the table, palms up, and rearranges the sheets for easy access to my body feeling as tight as the moment I heard the levees pop.
  6. Harry redeemed himself by holding the computer mouse and zooming in.
  7. The little mouse nipped out and snuck around into the tiny space between them and the tent wall.
  8. The mouse followed it out and found the end of the chain, attached to a large metal stake that had been hammered into the ground.
  9. Gone was the little mouse I used to know and adore.
  10. Then all thought of the people inside the tent vanished as the mouse saw another lovely pile of horse dung close by.