English to afrikaans meaning of

Tsjaikofski verwys na Pjotr Iljitsj Tsjaikofski, 'n bekende Russiese komponis van die Romantiese era. As jy egter op soek is na die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "Tsjaikofski", buite sy assosiasie met die komponis, het dit nie 'n spesifieke definisie nie. As eienaam verwys Tsjaikofski hoofsaaklik na die komponis en sy werke.


  1. pyotr ilych tchaikovsky
  2. pyotr tchaikovsky
  3. peter ilich tchaikovsky
  4. peter tchaikovsky

Sentence Examples

  1. While they climb, wrap, and drop to the strains of a Tchaikovsky piece, I make a beeline to the pipe and drape.
  2. A transplanted Russian village, the residential section of which, on the east side of the lake, featured three streets running north and south, Tchaikovsky, Igor Sikorsky, and Turchin streets, each two short blocks long.