English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "moederskap" verwys na die toestand of ervaring van ma-wees, of die eienskappe en verantwoordelikhede verbonde aan ma-wees. Dit sluit die rol, pligte en emosies in wat verband hou met om 'n vroulike ouer te wees. Moederskap behels tipies die versorging en versorging van 'n mens se kinders, die verskaffing van liefde, leiding en ondersteuning. Dit sluit ook die fisiese en emosionele aspekte van swangerskap, bevalling en kinders grootmaak in. Moederskap word dikwels gesien as 'n betekenisvolle en betekenisvolle aspek van 'n vrou se lewe, wat die band tussen 'n ma en haar kind simboliseer.


  1. maternity

Sentence Examples

  1. Besides, Kathy and Pilar were both still in their twenties, with all the attitudes and interests typical of that age, and motherhood came to them with astonishing ease.
  2. She bounded in amongst them, her anxious and militant motherhood making her anything but a pretty sight.
  3. Belah looked forward to the cravings of expectant motherhood, when she found the right mate.
  4. The motherhood idea freaked Georgie and explained why the recent loss of their unplanned baby sparked confused reactions of relief and grief in her, whereas AJ grew more determined to get married and try again.
  5. Her mood lifted at the prospect, the idea of new motherhood for this young woman causing a sense of well-being to swell inside her.
  6. Other times, we wanted to focus on an area affecting all of us, such as motherhood.
  7. I feel guilty, guilty for being here, guilty with no excuses, not even motherhood.
  8. With her marriage already struggling, it had meant her chance for motherhood was slim.