English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "sterflik" is soos volg:byvoeglike naamwoord:onderworpe aan die dood; met 'n beperkte lewensduur; nie onsterflik nie.wat die dood veroorsaak of kan veroorsaak; noodlottig.van of met betrekking tot mense as onderhewig aan die dood; mens.van of met betrekking tot 'n toestand van menslike lewe gekenmerk deur kwesbaarheid vir die dood.selfstandige naamwoord:'n mens onderhewig aan die dood; 'n mens in teenstelling met 'n god of 'n dier.'n wese wat uiteindelik moet sterf; 'n mens of enige dier wat die vermoë van rede besit.Voorbeeldsinne:Alle lewende wesens, insluitend mense, is sterflik. Rook is 'n bekende dodelike gevaar vir jou gesondheid.Sy dapperheid in die aangesig van lewensgevaar het ons almal geïnspireer.Sy is aan haar eie sterflikheid herinner ná haar noue borsel met die dood.


  1. deathly
  2. deadly

Sentence Examples

  1. And yet, on the faith of an honest man, I never spoke ill of any enchanter, and I am not so well off that I am to be envied to be sure, I am rather sly, and I have a certain spice of the rogue in me but all is covered by the great cloak of my simplicity, always natural and never acted and if I had no other merit save that I believe, as I always do, firmly and truly in God, and all the holy Roman Catholic Church holds and believes, and that I am a mortal enemy of the Jews, the historians ought to have mercy on me and treat me well in their writings.
  2. He bribed all the household, he gave and offered gifts and presents to my parents every day was like a holiday or a merry-making in our street by night no one could sleep for the music the love letters that used to come to my hand, no one knew how, were innumerable, full of tender pleadings and pledges, containing more promises and oaths than there were letters in them all which not only did not soften me, but hardened my heart against him, as if he had been my mortal enemy, and as if everything he did to make me yield were done with the opposite intention.
  3. The other two of the company, the peasants, without dismounting from their asses, served as spectators of the mortal tragedy.
  4. Evan thought back to the black mist that appeared whenever he was in mortal danger, how it had ripped the souls from its victims.
  5. Passepartout understood it all he was seized with mortal anxiety.
  6. The Biscayan, when he saw him coming on, though he wished to dismount from his mule, in which, being one of those sorry ones let out for hire, he had no confidence, had no choice but to draw his sword it was lucky for him, however, that he was near the coach, from which he was able to snatch a cushion that served him for a shield and they went at one another as if they had been two mortal enemies.
  7. Following two more reports from Effingham, there was a feeling that Elizabeth was not long for this mortal world.
  8. To add insult to mortal injury, he died amid the echoes of an almighty boom.
  9. An agenda, more about power and founding a mortal kingdom, than whose definition of a heavenly King should rule.
  10. The loss of formative years to follow a mortal king can destroy a piece of the future and limit many, sadly, to the life of a pawn.