English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "dodelik" is iets wat die dood kan veroorsaak of waarskynlik die dood kan veroorsaak. Dit kan ook verwys na iets wat uiters skadelik, vernietigend of gevaarlik is. In sommige gevalle kan dit ook iets beteken wat baie effektief of doeltreffend is, soos in "'n dodelike akkurate skoot." Daarbenewens kan dit gebruik word om iets te beskryf wat gekenmerk word deur 'n sterk of intense kwaliteit, soos in "'n dodelike stilte" of "'n dodelike ernstige toon."

Sentence Examples

  1. Things like giving a deadly sharp edge to an old blade, for example.
  2. The world had changed since the last war, and the environmental conditions were deadly without several protective measures.
  3. The blades were real and the blows aimed by the combatants were deadly.
  4. Steel tipped, the wooden shaft loosed from the bow flew with deadly accuracy and tore into her neck as the mare turned her proud head towards the sanctuary of the trees.
  5. Their swords were a blur of motion, sparks flying sporadically as the two weapons choreographed a deadly dance.
  6. The monstrous weapon pinwheeled through the air, filling it with a deadly sounding hum, before embedding itself deep into the meat of the trunk with a resounding thunk.
  7. The nail scraping was deadly unnerving, claws and shuffles with no breath from the monsters.
  8. A virus so deadly that it kills and resurrects virtually everybody it infects.
  9. He sent one more streak of power at the second wolf but by then, Waterstone had had time to regroup higher in the tree and his arrows struck the remaining wolves with fast, deadly accuracy.
  10. His jaw is clenched, and his steel grey eyes look deadly as he squints ever so faintly.