English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "bui" is die emosionele toestand of kwaliteit van 'n individu, wat dikwels as 'n tydelike of verbygaande gevoel of gemoedstoestand beskou word. Dit kan verwys na 'n persoon se algemene houding of ingesteldheid teenoor die lewe, of na 'n spesifieke gevoel of emosie wat hulle op 'n gegewe oomblik ervaar. Buie kan positief of negatief wees, en kan beïnvloed word deur 'n wye reeks faktore soos omgewingstoestande, persoonlike ervarings, fisiese gesondheid en sosiale interaksies. In sommige kontekste kan die term "bui" ook verwys na die algehele atmosfeer of toon van 'n plek, gebeurtenis of kunswerk.


  1. modality
  2. mode

Sentence Examples

  1. Finding him in an affectionate mood, I pick him up and nuzzle his fur.
  2. After a quick trip outside of town, we stop at Thorncrown Chapel, a magnificent structure rising heavenwards in the Ozark woods with four hundred and twenty-five windows and more than six thousand square feet of glass, an impressive, uplifting site that mirrors my mood.
  3. The momentary diversion is all it takes to change her mood and the painting is forgotten.
  4. Pleased to find her in a good mood, I pick her up and carry her through the house.
  5. Brower was never known as a cheerful guy, but his mood seemed particularly rank.
  6. I headed over to the jail and caught Brower in another relatively good mood.
  7. But after that he was on guard and his mood darkened.
  8. Celestino was in a buoyant mood, engaging in pleasant banter in English and Spanish as he unzipped his belt pouch to add the euros.
  9. No longer interested in worsening my mood by talking to the sheriff, I pushed that task off until the following day.
  10. And Nell fluctuated between paranoid and distant, depending on her mood.