English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "monitor" 'n paar verskillende betekenisse, insluitend:'n Toestel of stelsel wat iets waarneem, kontroleer of dophou, soos 'n rekenaarmonitor, wat vertoon inligting vanaf 'n rekenaar of ander elektroniese toestel.'n Persoon wat toesig hou oor of toesig hou oor iets, soos 'n onderwyser of 'n sekuriteitsmonitor.'n Akkedis van die genus Varanus, veral die spesie Varanus niloticus, wat tot 10 voet lank kan word en inheems aan Afrika is.As 'n werkwoord beteken "monitor" om iets waar te neem, na te gaan of op hoogte te hou, dikwels vir 'n spesifieke doel. Byvoorbeeld, 'n wetenskaplike kan die gedrag van diere in 'n laboratorium monitor, of 'n onderwyser kan die vordering van hul studente monitor.

Sentence Examples

  1. Cruncher was hunched over a monitor reviewing the security system data.
  2. The other man was attached to a heart monitor machine.
  3. She pulled up another monitor to line up the two layers side by side.
  4. Carl and Xantham were leaning over the desk studying some readouts on a monitor.
  5. He pushed the fifth floor, where he had seen the injured doctor on the computer monitor.
  6. He could see a doctor on the monitor, his leg wounded, and the floor pooled in blood.
  7. The station cut away from the bloody body of McArthur, changing to a newscaster sitting at her desk as she stared in horror at a monitor.
  8. There was no hesitation in her movements as her nimble fingers ran across the monitor to locate the specific uplink frequency.
  9. I leaned closer to the monitor, inspecting the video.
  10. One of the men punched away at his keyboard, and a new video feed appeared on the big monitor.