English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "mongrel" is 'n byvoeglike naamwoord wat gebruik word om iets te beskryf wat gemeng of saamgestel is uit verskillende elemente, veral van verskillende rasse, rasse of kulture. As 'n selfstandige naamwoord verwys "mongrel" na 'n hond wat van gemengde of onsekere ras is, of 'n persoon van gemengde afkoms. Die term word dikwels in 'n neerhalende sin gebruik om onreinheid of minderwaardigheid voor te stel.


  1. bastard

Sentence Examples

  1. They dragged me out of the room by my legs, and down a short passageway and out into a yard with two mongrel fighting dogs slamming against their chains and yowling to get at me.
  2. The dog joined me as the farmland gave way to lava scree on both sides of the road, or at least, that was when I became aware of a scrawny, bedraggled-looking mongrel trailing behind.
  3. That mongrel dog has saved me, but whoever came here will assume that animal has an owner.
  4. The farm was secluded, and she was outnumbered by two giants and their mongrel.