English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "skoolwerf" is die buite-area of speelgrond van 'n skool, wat tipies deur studente gebruik word vir ontspanning, sport en ander aktiwiteite tydens pouses of rustyd. Dit is 'n ruimte wat ontwerp is vir kinders om deel te neem aan fisiese en sosiale aktiwiteite in 'n veilige en onder toesig omgewing. Die skoolwerf kan speeltoerusting, sportvelde en ander fasiliteite vir studentegebruik bevat.

Sentence Examples

  1. Tarina banked over and lined up her craft to land in the schoolyard as she had the last time.
  2. Weariness of body and soul pressed down on his weakened frame like a schoolyard bully.
  3. We headed down Cane Creek Road a ways, and then Della pulled over across from the schoolyard.
  4. They looked like kids in a schoolyard about to call Fight!