English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "Monet" is tipies 'n eienaam en word dus nie tipies in woordeboeke gevind as 'n selfstandige inskrywing met 'n algemene definisie nie. "Monet" word egter algemeen geassosieer met die Franse skilder Claude Monet, wat in die laat 19de en vroeë 20ste eeu 'n prominente figuur in die impressionistiese beweging was.Oor die algemeen kan "Monet" ook verwys na enige kunswerk of artistieke styl wat aan Claude Monet se styl herinner of deur sy werk beïnvloed word. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n persoon met die van Monet of 'n plek met die naam Monet.


  1. claude monet

Sentence Examples

  1. When it came to Monet, his word was final, and insurers set their valuations and premiums according to his opinions.
  2. The artwork consisted of a small Monet print hung too high to appreciate.
  3. Satisfied, Monet stepped back, lifted the painting off the easel and turned to his guest.
  4. She had been half asleep, thinking about the paintings at the Art Institute, as if she were in them, floating on a Monet lily pad, running through the smooth green melon-shaped hills of a Grant Wood painting.
  5. Facing the pond, Monet stood back from his easel, closed one eye, and then applied some more blue paint to the brilliant sky in the picture.
  6. Claude Monet, the legendary artist, had invited him to afternoon tea in his garden.
  7. Berenger continued to play and Monet continued to paint until the sun went down, and the light faded.
  8. In my considered opinion, this is a genuine Monet.
  9. Obviously, there can only be one original the other has to be a fake, unless Monet painted two, which we can dismiss as nonsense.
  10. I have no doubt that is an original Monet, just as I said in my auction report.