English to afrikaans meaning of

'n Klooster is 'n gebou of 'n kompleks van geboue wat bewoon word deur 'n gemeenskap van monnike of nonne wat van die wêreld onttrek het om hulself te wy aan 'n lewe van gebed, nadenke en godsdienstige studie. Dit is tipies 'n afgesonderde plek waar lede van 'n godsdienstige orde saam woon, dikwels onder 'n gelofte van armoede, kuisheid en gehoorsaamheid, en 'n streng geestelike dissipline volg. Kloosters word gewoonlik geassosieer met die Katolieke, Ortodokse of Boeddhistiese tradisies, maar kan ook in ander godsdienste gevind word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Once, years back, this man and his monastery, protected me and hid me from those who wished to destroy me.
  2. The ruined millstone tower at the far end of the monastery had, over centuries of erosion, peeled in half like a thunderstruck tree.
  3. The head of the stairwell was a long, but narrow alcove used now for storing heavy crates filled with whatever flotsam a massive monastery as large as The Knave needed to store.
  4. It had been years since I had last slept in this monastery.
  5. My Bretan training, and the oaths I swore to faithfully follow in the monastery when I became a warrior-wizard, told me what my religious path should be.
  6. Instead of rejoining the main road, he continued along the riverside and passed the main wings of the monastery.
  7. No other city in England could boast a medieval monastery as well preserved as this one.
  8. In the clinging darkness of the tower, the oldest bastion of strength built in the Bretan monastery called The Knave, the feeling of approaching evil pulled me out of my slumber and sent me here.
  9. I, with my long blade, a gift from my master from the Xanthan Monastery, fought and defeated Magar of the Marouth.
  10. Claudia told him she meant to go to a monastery of which an aunt of hers was abbess, where she intended to pass her life with a better and everlasting spouse.