English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "reel" verskeie betekenisse:'n Spoel of silinder waarop 'n buigsame materiaal soos draad, draad of film gewikkel kan word.'n Toestel wat gebruik word om sulke materiaal op te wikkel of af te wikkel.'n Dans waarin die dansers in 'n sirkel of spiraal beweeg.'n Lewendige Skotse of Ierse volksdans uitgevoer deur paartjies in 'n sirkelvormige of syfer-agt-patroon.As 'n werkwoord het "reel" ook verskeie betekenisse:Om 'n materiaal op 'n spoel te wikkel of af te wikkel of silinder.Om te wankel of 'n mens se balans te verloor, dikwels as gevolg van duiseligheid of dronkenskap.Om 'n gevoel van skok of disoriƫntasie te voel, dikwels as gevolg van 'n skielike of onverwagte gebeurtenis.Om 'n vis of ander dier op 'n lyn in te trek, tipies met 'n visstok.

Sentence Examples

  1. They found the microfiche readers and Mia showed him how to fix the reel of tape onto the spool and then thread the tape through the machine.
  2. Griff gets too big for his britches sometimes, and I gotta reel him in.
  3. The man behind the glass tore a stub from a reel of tickets.
  4. I seemed to reel I felt a nightmare sensation of falling and, looking round, I saw the laboratory exactly as before.
  5. It would make them sometimes hug and sometimes tear one another they would howl, and grin, and chatter, and reel, and tumble, and then fall asleep in the mud.
  6. The headmaster pulled a loop of keys from the badge reel clipped to his pants, and shoved one into the lock on his office door.
  7. The changes always seemed to come at a particularly gripping cliffhanger moment, scrambling around to locate and mount the next reel.
  8. He began to reel off the agenda items carefully noted on a pad of yellow lined paper.