English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "wonderbaarlik" is: op 'n manier wat 'n wonderwerk suggereer of behels; op 'n wonderbaarlike wyse; op 'n manier wat verstommend is of amper onmoontlik lyk.

Sentence Examples

  1. All fatigue was miraculously washed away as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment.
  2. The receptionist was miraculously still alive, but she was not an officer in the modern-day sense, her role consisted of strictly paperwork.
  3. They had rather miraculously found my wallet in the quarry and returned it to me, so I was able to pay the driver.
  4. If only she could walk down to the river and Mourning would miraculously come sloshing up the bank.
  5. I shall send, in time for your next issue, further details of the derelict ship which found her way so miraculously into harbour in the storm.
  6. Did you ever behold streets so insufferably narrow, or houses so miraculously tall?
  7. Hawke spat in the dirt at its feet and raised his sword, still miraculously clean.
  8. Only half of it remained, miraculously surviving a dozen or more battles and fires over those bloody years.
  9. One day he miraculously left the prison, transformed, rich, powerful.
  10. I am here almost miraculously, and can scarcely hope for so good an opportunity to occur again.