English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "waardeer" is om die waarde, betekenis, kwaliteit of belangrikheid van iets of iemand te erken. Dit kan ook beteken om dankbaar te wees vir iets, om die volle implikasies of gevolge van iets te verstaan, of om mettertyd in waarde of prys te verhoog. Die woord kan in 'n verskeidenheid kontekste gebruik word, soos om dankbaarheid uit te spreek vir 'n vriendelike gebaar, om die talent of moeite van 'n persoon te erken, of om die waarde van 'n spesifieke bate of belegging te erken.

Sentence Examples

  1. The woman knows her boundaries, and that is something I appreciate.
  2. Even as the harrowing situation of the last week holds me in its grip, I can still take time to appreciate my surroundings.
  3. I have been travelling alone for some time and would appreciate a bit of company.
  4. I truly appreciate you dedicating some of your precious reading time to one of my books.
  5. He knew several French and English songs, and resolved to try them upon the Japanese, who must be lovers of music, since they were for ever pounding on their cymbals, tam-tams, and tambourines, and could not but appreciate European talent.
  6. We would much appreciate it if you could spare some space in your paddocks.
  7. I can appreciate what a courageous decision it was to stay anywhere near me.
  8. He seemed to appreciate my bowing out, letting him have all the glory.
  9. He could be butt ugly and I still would appreciate those dimples, his kind smile and that sexy Cajun accent.
  10. My teachers have showed me lots of things and helped me appreciate other qualities I have.