English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord mylpaal is 'n belangrike gebeurtenis of stadium in die ontwikkeling of vordering van iets, wat tipies 'n noemenswaardige prestasie of keerpunt aandui. Die term het ontstaan uit die praktyk om mylpale op 'n pad te merk om die afstand afgelê aan te dui, met elke mylpaal wat 'n sekere aantal myl verteenwoordig. Vandag word die term metafories gebruik om beduidende prestasies of landmerke in 'n verskeidenheid kontekste te beskryf, soos in persoonlike of professionele projekte, akademiese strewes of sake-ondernemings.


  1. milepost

Sentence Examples

  1. She would have passed that magic milestone in her mind, the age her mother had been when the madness had won.
  2. Maybe after you passed some sort of imaginary milestone, you were granted true resident status in Globe.
  3. I already knew that she had achieved a very solid milestone before leaving Swaziland.
  4. A heron flopped down to a pool in the stream and started to fish, taking no more notice of me than if I had been a milestone.
  5. This battle will probably be a milestone in his career.