English to afrikaans meaning of

'n Matras is 'n groot reghoekige pad gevul met veerkragtige materiale soos skuim, katoen of vere, wat gebruik word as 'n gemaklike slaapoppervlak op 'n bedraam of direk op die vloer. Dit bied ondersteuning en kussing vir die liggaam terwyl jy slaap. Matrasse kom in verskillende groottes, diktes en fermheidsvlakke om verskillende slaapvoorkeure en -behoeftes te akkommodeer.

Sentence Examples

  1. Her feather mattress conformed to her with delicious softness, beckoning her to lie down for a few moments, close her eyes, and take a nap, just a little one.
  2. My mattress sat on the floor with only a sheet covering it.
  3. She was lying on a mattress that had been placed on the floor of a wire-walled cell that was three metres by three metres.
  4. Just to put the final check mark on his alibi, I asked if he knew any good mattress stores, claiming I was in the market to find a new one.
  5. She got off the mattress and scoffed at him and sat on another bed.
  6. Nana D had already made up one of the guest rooms, and I crashed within minutes of hitting the mattress.
  7. A single bare mattress was pressed against the wall next to a circular table.
  8. After making a quick circuit of his room, running her hands under his mattress and below every surface, sliding them over his walls, she returned to his side.
  9. He picked James up and placed him on the mattress.
  10. Once the initial shock of my surroundings wore off, I stretched and grunted at the crunch in my lower spine from sleeping on the firmest mattress known to man.