English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "onoordeelkundig" is om 'n gebrek aan goeie oordeel of diskresie te toon; onverstandig, onverstandig of nie verstandig nie. Dit verwys na optrede, besluite of stellings wat waarskynlik skadelike of negatiewe gevolge sal hê, of wat nie goed deurdink is nie. Dit kan ook gebruik word om iemand te beskryf wat oorhaastig optree of sonder om die gevolge van hul optrede in ag te neem.

Sentence Examples

  1. The ill-assorted and injudicious attire of the individual only served to render his awkwardness more conspicuous.
  2. The least injudicious or impatient movement on the part of David might betray them, and time was absolutely necessary to insure the safety of the scout.
  3. In a collection of so serious savages, there is never to be found any impatient aspirant after premature distinction, standing ready to move his auditors to some hasty, and, perhaps, injudicious discussion, in order that his own reputation may be the gainer.