English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "meester" hang af van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word, aangesien dit veelvuldige betekenisse het. Hier is 'n paar algemene definisies:'n Persoon wat beheer of gesag oor ander het, soos 'n baas of 'n onderwyser.'n Persoon wat 'n hoë vlak bereik het van vaardigheid of kundigheid in 'n bepaalde veld of aktiwiteit, soos 'n meestervakman of 'n skaakmeester.'n Manlike hoof van 'n huishouding of 'n organisasie, soos 'n seremoniemeester of 'n skeepsmeester.'n Titel wat aan 'n seun of jong man gegee word, wat gewoonlik aandui dat hy die hoof is van 'n huishouding of organisasie, soos 'n skool of 'n gilde.'n Werkwoord wat beteken om volledig te verkry. kennis of vaardigheid in iets, soos in "om 'n taal te bemeester" of "om 'n sport te bemeester."


  1. maestro

Sentence Examples

  1. My master can torture me for a thousand years rip my soul apart strand by strand.
  2. The Extended Sorcery Master was an Orc, but unlike Urkzal he was old and wizened, with flowing white hair and beard that stretched down to his shins.
  3. As magnificent as his master, the dragon was a spectacle to behold.
  4. Master Greller introduced himself by transforming his arm into a broadsword and lopping off his other arm, before promptly growing it back.
  5. The Master of mind reading, who greeted Brooke by speaking to her inside her head.
  6. The juggernaut landed on the other side of the portal, entering the hellish domain of his master.
  7. The few trainers she met were awe-inspiring, like Master Salamand, who threw fireballs the size of boulders across his training chamber.
  8. A master swordsman nearly always bluffs, and double bluffs.
  9. Then there was the Master of Curse Breaking, who was actually quite irritating.
  10. My former master told me this boy was of great importance.

TV Series Examples



But my master got sick of me, so...



l am the master of whisperers.



Your master doesn't seem