English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "merrie" is 'n vroulike perd of ander perdedier wat minstens vier jaar oud is. Die term kan ook verwys na 'n groot, donker, plat area op die oppervlak van die maan of ander hemelliggame, of na 'n soort nagmerrie- of spookagtige ervaring, soos 'n "merrie" of "nagmerrie". Daarbenewens kan die term "merrie" in sekere frases gebruik word, soos "merrie se nes" (wat 'n valse of denkbeeldige ontdekking beteken) of "nagmerrie" (wat 'n ontstellende droom of ervaring beteken).


  1. female horse

Sentence Examples

  1. Bringing his mare to a stop and holding her on a short rein he cast his eyes around for more, but it seemed there were just the two in front.
  2. The reins were slack in his hands, and the mare stepped on quietly following the track.
  3. Steel tipped, the wooden shaft loosed from the bow flew with deadly accuracy and tore into her neck as the mare turned her proud head towards the sanctuary of the trees.
  4. The mare was fresh and she covered the distance to Assingham quickly, the sound of her passage dulled by the soft earth beneath her hooves.
  5. The drawn blade in his right hand, reins tightly held in his left, Jack guided his mare sideways slowly.
  6. Wheeling the mare round, her flanks crashed into the other horse.
  7. To cheer her melancholy spirits, Catherine took her mare, Clover, and the pair trotted out in the bright May sun.
  8. Jack tightened his hold on the mare, shortened reins pulled her head down and around, a simple ploy designed to convince his opponent that he was in retreat.
  9. Before his feet were secured in the stirrups he had forced the mare to a brutal gallop.
  10. Knowing he needed to finish this before second man joined the fray, Jack spurred his mare forward, hind quarters kicking out she agilely passed the other horse.

TV Series Examples



Loras knew his mare was in heat.