English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "marathon" is:'n Langafstandwedloop van 26 myl en 385 meter (42,195 kilometer).'n Lang of moeilike taak, operasie of reis wat groot uithouvermoë of inspanning verg.'n Deurlopende aktiwiteit wat vir 'n lang tydperk duur.Die woord "marathon" is ook algemeen gebruik as 'n metafoor om enige uitgebreide of uitdagende aktiwiteit of gebeurtenis te beskryf wat 'n volgehoue inspanning en uithouvermoë vereis om te voltooi.


  1. endurance contest

Sentence Examples

  1. A deep sigh seeped out of him, like a man sinking into a hot bath after great, marathon sex.
  2. But this was a different marathon, stained in the blood of the innocent.
  3. She still hoped she could work up to running a marathon again.
  4. He had the look of a runner after a marathon had worn away his knees and ankles.
  5. Then again, maybe our marathon lovemaking session had been my answer.
  6. She still hoped she could work up to a marathon again.
  7. Feet worn out after a week of walking around the City of Light, we would gladly run a marathon if it meant we could stay an extra week.
  8. Her whole body ached as if she had been running an endless marathon.
  9. The scent of charcoal and paint was overwhelming, but the interior was cool and comfortable after my marathon.
  10. Guilt returns and tears are poised, ready to pour out like marathon runners.