English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "major" hang af van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:(byvoeglike naamwoord) Groter in grootte, hoeveelheid of belangrikheid as ander van dieselfde soort; betekenisvol of aansienlik. Voorbeeld: "Die groot stede van die wêreld lok elke jaar miljoene toeriste."(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n Militêre rang bo kaptein en onder luitenant-kolonel. Voorbeeld: "Hy het vir 10 jaar as hoofvak in die Amerikaanse weermag gedien."(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n Studievak wat deur 'n student in die kollege as 'n primêre spesialiseringsrigting gekies is of universiteit. Voorbeeld: "Haar hoofvak was sielkunde, en sy het sosiologie as minor geneem."(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n Musiektoonleer of modus met 'n bepaalde volgorde van heel- en halwe treë. Voorbeeld: "Die C majeur toonleer bestaan uit die note C, D, E, F, G, A en B."(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n Persoon wat die ouderdom van wettige meerderjarigheid, tipies 18 jaar oud. Voorbeeld: "Nou dat hy 'n majoor is, kan hy stem en by die weermag aansluit."(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n Persoon of ding wat belangrik of betekenisvol is. Voorbeeld: "Sy is 'n groot speler in die modebedryf."

Sentence Examples

  1. I understand how important it is to impress the Major League Baseball scout.
  2. Why would a Major League Baseball scout come here?
  3. Unfortunately for Striker and Jordan, the unethical aspects of how the scout ended up on campus prevented them from being offered any contracts to join a team through the Major League Baseball organization.
  4. I poked my head in the fitness center and quickly determined the newer machines had cost major money.
  5. I was with Coach Oliver talking about the Major League Baseball scout.
  6. If Coach Oliver was holding out for a job at the Major League Baseball organization, he needed to look good when his best friend, the scout, was onsite.
  7. I care about the guys and want them to land a contract with one of the Major League Baseball teams after graduating from Braxton.
  8. This was going to be the major break in the case I needed.
  9. When she thought I had a chance of getting into the major leagues, she threw herself at me last semester.
  10. The last time I checked, the Board of Trustees was meeting with the new president to determine whether there would be any formal action taken against Coach Oliver for his role in hiding information and misleading Braxton during discussions with the Major League Baseball scout.