English to afrikaans meaning of

Die Louvre is 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat verwys na 'n wêreldbekende museum in Parys, Frankryk. Dit was oorspronklik 'n koninklike paleis wat in die 12de eeu gebou is, wat in die laat 18de eeu in 'n museum omskep is. Die Louvre-museum is bekend vir sy uitgebreide versameling kuns en oudhede van regoor die wêreld, insluitend bekende werke soos die Mona Lisa en die Venus de Milo. Die term "Louvre" kan ook verwys na die kenmerkende glaspiramidestruktuur wat in die museum se sentrale binnehof geleë is.


  1. louver
  2. fin

Sentence Examples

  1. They had passed the Louvre and were now only a few blocks away from the palace.
  2. Janice and I had braved the insane line at the Louvre to catch a glimpse of the famous paintings we had only ever seen in our art history textbooks.
  3. When he reached the wicket of the Louvre, he turned to the left, galloped across the Carrousel, passed through the Rue Saint-Roch, and, issuing from the Rue de la Michodière, he arrived at M.
  4. Concino Concini, and his wife Galligai, who subsequently shone at the French court, sought to Italianize the fashion, and introduced some Florentine tailors but Percerin, touched to the quick in his patriotism and his self-esteem, entirely defeated these foreigners, and that so well that Concino was the first to give up his compatriots, and held the French tailor in such esteem that he would never employ any other, and thus wore a doublet of his on the very day that Vitry blew out his brains with a pistol at the Pont du Louvre.
  5. The man is clearly intelligent and cultured, knowing all about the artists, the architecture, and the history of the Louvre itself.