English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "lot" kan verskeie woordeboekbetekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar algemene definisies:'n Gedeelte of aandeel wat aan iemand toegeken of uitgedeel is: "Hy het die wenlootjie in die lotto getrek."'n Groep items of mense wat as 'n eenheid beskou word: "Ons het baie boeke by die boekwinkel gekoop."'n Stuk grond: "Hulle het hulle gebou huis op 'n groot erf in die voorstede."'n Groot aantal of bedrag: "Ons het baie werk om te doen."'n Gebied wat vir 'n spesifieke doel gebruik word: "Die parkeerterrein was vol."'n Besluit wat per toeval of noodlot geneem is: "Dit was sy lot in die lewe om 'n boer te wees."Gebruik om 'n vergelykende graad aan te dui: "Sy is baie langer as haar suster."Slang vir 'n persoon se fisiese voorkoms of liggaamsbou: "Hy lyk baie goed."


  1. draw

Sentence Examples

  1. Twenty minutes later, I parked in the guest lot and dashed to the BCS Office.
  2. With the event concluding and the fans heading back to the parking lot for post-game parties, Connor and I called the sheriff to reveal our latest news.
  3. I understand being in love, but to go at it like that in the parking lot of a decent restaurant.
  4. An hour later, after a quick run and shower, I pulled into the parking lot at The Big Beanery.
  5. I had a lot more thinking to do before I could make any definitive decisions.
  6. I spent a lot of time with Jordan over the summer.
  7. Somehow all the volunteers were under the impression they could drop the mounds of shoveled snow on the corner lot.
  8. I pulled into The Big Beanery parking lot to meet Myriam for an early breakfast on Monday morning.
  9. Her offer to live at Danby Landing made the whole prospect of moving home a lot more tolerable.
  10. It was a half-mile walk to reach the parking lot for the sports field, which meant I would be alone with Dean Terry for too long.

TV Series Examples



Do you spend a lot of time



One lot steals a goat from another lot,