English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n werkwoord kan "teken" verskeie verskillende betekenisse hê. Hier is 'n paar:Om 'n prent of ontwerp te skep deur lyne en merke op papier of 'n ander oppervlak te maak.Om iets te trek, soos 'n kar of 'n deur , na jouself toe of in 'n bepaalde rigting.Om iets, soos 'n wapen of 'n werktuig, uit 'n houer of stoorplek te haal of uit te haal.Om te beweeg of geskuif te word geleidelik of stadig in 'n bepaalde rigting, soos 'n skare mense of 'n voertuig.Om iets te maak of te produseer, soos 'n gevolgtrekking of 'n besluit, deur inligting of idees te versamel en te ontleed.Om gelykop te maak of gelyk te maak in 'n kompetisie, soos 'n wedstryd of 'n wedloop.Om geld uit 'n bankrekening of ander bron van fondse te neem.Om inasem of asem rook uit 'n sigaret of ander tabakproduk uit.As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan "trek" ook verwys na:'n Wedstryd of kompetisie wat eindig op gelykop of met geen duidelike wenner nie.Die handeling om iets te trek of te sleep.'n Stel voorwerpe, soos kaarte of nommers, wat lukraak gekies is.

Sentence Examples

  1. While the amusement was certainly preferable to the fear, it was better he not think of her at all lest he somehow draw attention to himself, or, worse, give away something about her.
  2. Like Elmclackers, creatures with limbs made out of twigs and leaves for hair similar to stickmen children draw.
  3. I try to ignore it but the crisp voices emanating from bubbly faces draw me in.
  4. Her mind was far too busy, and the intensity of everything that had happened over the last several days left her with the sensation of a weight pressing down on her chest, making it difficult for her to draw breath.
  5. The sculpture is a draw card, something to add to the buffet of tourist treats.
  6. The Rakarn were being forced to duel with swords instead of sorcery and the first one to draw blood or knock his opponent out was the victor.
  7. I draw up a chair at the kitchen table, setting the toy cat on a place mat to stroke the real one on the floor.
  8. I dismiss the idea of paying Redoto a visit straight away, not wanting to draw his suspicion.
  9. Spending time with her would help him draw a conclusion about her motives, and it would give him a chance to match what she told him against what he was able to observe himself and gather from his work with Burl.
  10. Behind him, I spot another staff member and try to draw his attention.

TV Series Examples



All the knights draw straws, Lord Stark.