English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "lobby" kan effens verskil na gelang van die konteks, maar hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene definisies:'n Kamer naby die ingang van 'n gebou, tipies een met 'n lessenaar of ontvangsdame, wat gebruik word om te wag of sake te doen.'n Groep mense wat probeer om wetgewers of ander openbare amptenare namens 'n bepaalde belang of groep te beïnvloed. Die daad om namens 'n bepaalde belang of groep te probeer beïnvloed om wetgewers of ander openbare amptenare te beïnvloed.'n Oop ruimte binne 'n gebou of struktuur wat toegang tot verskeie kamers of areas bied.Oor die algemeen verwys die woord "lobby" na 'n openbare of semi-openbare ruimte in 'n gebou of instelling waar mense bymekaarkom, wag of sake doen. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n groep mense wat saamwerk om besluite of beleide te beïnvloed, veral in 'n politieke of wetgewende konteks.

Sentence Examples

  1. And yet, that same energy seems to remind me to focus on the issue at hand so I quell my beating heart and turn back toward the lobby, watching in the last few seconds of my vision, before it all fades to black, a truly skanky man appearing from behind the front desk.
  2. Someone else is there now and their whispers carry ever so lightly through the lobby.
  3. They were, of course, on the far side of the lobby, and reaching them was going to be the equivalent of walking through a minefield of auras.
  4. We pull up to the overhang that leads to the hotel lobby and I wipe the tears away.
  5. That creepy man I spotted in my dream where James and Blair organized their sexual assignation plot in the hotel lobby now sits behind a desk, his face darkened by the shadow of a cap and his hands folded across his dirty calico shirt and overalls.
  6. We arrive at my hotel, a chain but lovely with a stone fireplace in the center of the lobby.
  7. I almost hear my mother responding, so I grab my cute new hippie purse I found at Salvation Army and rush down to the lobby.
  8. Fogg, Aouda, and Passepartout passed through the lobby of the theatre to the outside, where they encountered the Honourable Mr.
  9. We move into the lush lobby where Nanette gives us a nightcap story of the ghost cat.
  10. I wait until she catches up and we climb to the lobby together.