English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "akkedis" is 'n soort reptiel wat tipies 'n lang lyf en stert, vier bene en skubbe of growwe vel het. Akkedisse is koelbloedige diere en word in baie dele van die wêreld aangetref, insluitend woestyne, woude en grasvelde. Hulle kom in baie verskillende groottes en vorms voor, met sommige spesies wat net 'n paar sentimeter lank is, terwyl ander tot 'n paar meter lank kan word. Akkedisse is ook bekend vir hul vermoë om verlore sterte te regenereer en vir hul unieke aanpassings, soos die vermoë om van kleur te verander om by hul omgewing in te pas.

Sentence Examples

  1. Merak grew the tallest, his visage shifting to that of a lizard.
  2. I saw the fingers and toes grasp the corners of the stones, worn clear of the mortar by the stress of years, and by thus using every projection and inequality move downwards with considerable speed, just as a lizard moves along a wall.
  3. Like I said, I created a lizard over the summer then, when I saw your winged man, the idea of the dragon came to me.
  4. I drew a lizard, but when I saw your idea of adding wings I thought a dragon would be perfect.
  5. Don Diego is about as dangerous as a lizard basking in the sun.
  6. Only a distorted version of the lizard brain would remain.
  7. The stranger, whom as yet Dantès knew only by the number of his cell, sprang up with an agility by no means to be expected in a person of his years, and, light and steady on his feet as a cat or a lizard, climbed from the table to the outstretched hands of Dantès, and from them to his shoulders then, bending double, for the ceiling of the dungeon prevented him from holding himself erect, he managed to slip his head between the upper bars of the window, so as to be able to command a perfect view from top to bottom.
  8. The basic and primitive lizard part of the brain seemed to be all that was left, and even that was distorted beyond recognition.
  9. Or the lizard part of his brain, the id part of his brain, the part of himself that had evolved on the African Savannah to deal with predators, prey, and survival, had just come uncorked.
  10. Between a lizard hunt and the water it might be a long night.