English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "outomaties" is:Gedoen of spontaan plaasvind, sonder bewuste denke of bedoeling; onwillekeurig.Met die vermoƫ om onafhanklik te funksioneer, sonder deurlopende eksterne insette of beheer.Verband met of betrek 'n toestel of proses wat selfregulerend of selfwerkend is.Voorbeelde van die woord "outomaties" wat gebruik word:"Hy het 'n outomatiese antwoord gehad oor dit, sonder dat die motor regtig 'n ratkas het nie." se ratte sonder handinvoer.""Die sprinkelstelsel is outomaties, skakel aan en af volgens 'n voorafgeprogrammeerde skedule."

Sentence Examples

  1. Trust that once inside, my automatic self will manage.
  2. The militia returned their fire to the infected, spraying them with shotguns and automatic rifles.
  3. A petite woman with a mountain of bleached blond hair piled on top of her head stepped down onto the automatic step from the truck.
  4. The cabinet neatly arranged, and the shower head glistened under the automatic lights.
  5. Trusted by Henry, he had been an automatic choice to continue to guide the administration of the Kingdom under his son.
  6. The NYPD SWAT team burst from the vehicle with automatic assault rifles at the ready.
  7. They picked up rifles and automatic weapons and pointed them with deftness that spoke of practice.
  8. It was automatic like the kick after a quack taps your knee with a rubber hammer.
  9. I gave Tom whatever I could afford, and automatic deductions were made from his personal account to our joint one every month.
  10. Mumbling an automatic apology, sodden drapery over his arm, Jack made to leave.