English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "litanie" is 'n lang en herhalende lys of voordrag van dinge, wat dikwels in 'n godsdienstige of seremoniƫle konteks gebruik word. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n gebed wat bestaan uit 'n reeks petisies wat deur 'n leier voorgedra en deur 'n gemeente herhaal word. Oor die algemeen kan 'n litanie enige lang of eentonige voordrag wees, wat dikwels gebruik word om 'n spesifieke tema of punt te beklemtoon.

Sentence Examples

  1. He was standing above the litany of their corpses, their blood splattered on his black and dusty robes.
  2. Best to just leave Sebastian to his endless litany of complaints.
  3. Yellow and blue and Christmas too, he thought, reciting the litany to remember how to hotwire a car.
  4. Sam started cursing again, his vociferous litany so loud that it rose above the constant patter of the rain.
  5. This epiphany, this litany quieted his mind and he returned his attention to the facility.
  6. Never fond of an overly inquisitive nature, I was in a pucker after enduring a litany of personal questions.
  7. A litany of small explosions scattered the enemy soldiers.
  8. Every now and then, she took off at a gallop, and without fail, Sebastian seized the opportunity to recite his litany of reasons why they would be better off without the aid of an Aladri.