English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "grootboek" het veelvuldige betekenisse, afhangende van die konteks. Hier is die twee mees algemene definisies:'n Grootboek as 'n rekeningkundige term: 'n Grootboek is 'n boek of 'n gerekenariseerde rekord wat 'n sistematiese en omvattende weergawe van finansiële transaksies vir 'n bepaalde besigheid of organisasie bevat. Dit dien as 'n hoofbewaarplek vir die optekening en opsomming van finansiële inligting, soos debiete, krediete, bates, laste en ekwiteit. Grootboeke word gebruik om finansiële state op te stel, inkomste en uitgawes na te spoor en akkurate finansiële rekords te handhaaf.'n Grootboek as 'n boek: In 'n breër sin kan 'n grootboek verwys na enige boek of dokument wat gebruik word om inligting aan te teken of te lys. Dit kan 'n register of log wees wat rekord hou van verskeie besonderhede, soos name, datums, gebeure of transaksies. Byvoorbeeld, 'n persoonlike dagboek of 'n logboek om rekord te hou van aktiwiteite kan as grootboeke beskou word.Neem asseblief kennis dat die konteks waarin die woord "grootboek" gebruik word, kan die spesifieke betekenis daarvan beïnvloed.


  1. daybook

Sentence Examples

  1. Paging through the ledger more slowly, she noticed something that struck her as odd.
  2. House Staerleigh dealt in precious goods on a regular basis, and many of the other ledger entries included similar exorbitant figures.
  3. Amounts had been entered into the ledger for each date, though they varied.
  4. Currency tendered, Mya smiled toothlessly and turned to the half-completed and most current page in the ledger.
  5. So faint she had almost mistaken it for a random blot, there was a hash mark next to the entry, just as there were with at least six others scattered throughout the ledger.
  6. My father mentioned an upcoming meeting when I was eavesdropping on his conversation, and it must have something to do with the meetings Toran noted in his ledger.
  7. Once home and supplied with tea, he spent the evening in his office poring over the ledger.
  8. Their search unearthed a ledger that revealed the shopkeeper was in debt to the tune of an eye-wateringly high amount of gold.
  9. Opening the ledger, Kila flipped through its pages.
  10. Easing the ledger into her pack, Cianne decided it was time to go.