English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "onderdrukkend" is:byvoeglike naamwoordOnregverdige ontbering en beperking, veral aan 'n minderheid of ander ondergeskikte groep. Oorweldigend lastig of moeilik om te verduur.Veroorsaak ongemak deur oormatig, intens of aanhoudend te wees. Weeg swaar op die sintuie of gees; afstomp of verswak.Voorbeeldsinne:Die regering se onderdrukkende beleid teenoor minderhede het tot wydverspreide protes gelei.Die hitte was onderdrukkend en het dit moeilik gemaak om asem te haal.Haar baas was onderdrukkend, het lang ure geëis en het nooit enige tyd af toegelaat nie.Die beklemmende atmosfeer in die kamer het almal laat voel ongemaklik.

Sentence Examples

  1. Daylight highlighted the richness of the colors and the quality of the workmanship, creating a pleasant effect, but when the light was low the room had always struck Cianne as oppressive.
  2. The surplices and other ecclesiastical accoutrements hanging limply from their pegs served to make the small room more oppressive.
  3. There were dark, rolling clouds overhead, and in the air the heavy, oppressive sense of thunder.
  4. I felt his scrambling thoughts as they wallowed under the oppressive control of Murdock.
  5. A curious sensation of being observed and an oppressive feeling of being an unwelcome intruder made him want to flee.
  6. The air was oppressive it seemed as if there was some sulphurous fume, which at times made me dizzy.
  7. Janis stood up, one outstretched hand holding the oppressive flames at bay as he walked back out to face the creature.
  8. Indeed, the labor now required by the condenser had increased to a most oppressive degree, and allowed me scarcely any respite from exertion.
  9. If thy beauty despises me, if thy worth is not for me, if thy scorn is my affliction, though I be sufficiently long-suffering, hardly shall I endure this anxiety, which, besides being oppressive, is protracted.
  10. The light cut through some of the oppressive shadows and illuminated large stalactites and stalagmites filling the cave.