English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "leier" kan verskeie betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks, maar hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene woordeboekdefinisies:Byvoeglike naamwoord: vooraan wees; aan die voorpunt; belangrikste of invloedrykste; leiding of regie.Voorbeeld: Die hoofakteur het 'n boeiende vertoning gelewer.Selfstandige naamwoord: die aksie van leiding of regie.Voorbeeld: Die maatskappy het 'n konsultant gehuur om leierskapsopleiding te verskaf.Werkwoord: teenwoordige deelwoord van "lead"; ander te lei, te rig of vooruit te gaan.Voorbeeld: Die spankaptein het die pad na die eindstreep gelei.Selfstandige naamwoord: dun stroke metaal, lood of 'n ander materiaal wat gebruik word om lyne van tipe te skei.Voorbeeld: Die tipesetter wat gebruik word om die spasiëring tussen teksreëls aan te pas.Adjektief: hoogste gehalte of rang.Voorbeeld: Die maatskappy se voorste produk is 'n topverkoper in die mark.Selfstandige naamwoord: die spasie tussen tipe reëls.Voorbeeld: Die ontwerper het die leiding vergroot om die leesbaarheid van die teks te verbeter.


  1. leadership

Sentence Examples

  1. Officer Flatman had been leading her out the back door to read her Miranda rights when she stopped him.
  2. As Evan and the others approached, Urkzal, Arnvar and Casselle came into view, leading an army of elves, orcs and every other race from the city into battle.
  3. The corridor walls to the fire element cavern were constantly alight with fake fire, and the walls leading to the Archives were lined with books that flew and nested like birds, quoting passages of their text instead of bird calls.
  4. Several inches of densely packed snow and veiled black ice covered the only highway leading to my secluded childhood hometown.
  5. I squinted against the glare, changing gears and making a turn towards the open gates leading into the car park.
  6. They had been so close, Evan saw the leading Scarada leech his suckers onto the door as it shut.
  7. I waited for him to keep talking, but the scotch and the silence in the room overtook the possibility of him leading our conversation.
  8. Elijah had been leading her through winding streets for almost an hour.
  9. The many stairways leading off in every direction appeared to be made of solid silver and gold.
  10. Probably guilty of leading Striker on and dumping him for a potentially better opportunity.

TV Series Examples



And now l find you leading a host to war.



The one who was leading them...