English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "rooster" is 'n struktuur gemaak van gekruiste hout- of metaalstroke wat in 'n diagonale patroon gerangskik is, wat 'n reeks diamantvormige spasies vorm wat dikwels as 'n raamwerk of ondersteuning vir klimplante of vir omheining. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n gereelde rangskikking van punte of voorwerpe wat soos 'n rooster lyk, of 'n wiskundige roosterstruktuur wat vir statistiese analise gebruik word. Daarbenewens kan "rooster" ook as 'n werkwoord gebruik word om die proses van die maak van 'n traliepatroon of struktuur te beskryf.

Sentence Examples

  1. The front of the cell was a lattice of iron bars, which let me see the rest of the room.
  2. One of the signs he used to make me was to link one hand in the other, to show me he wished to marry me and though I should have been glad if that could be, being alone and motherless I knew not whom to open my mind to, and so I left it as it was, showing him no favour, except when my father, and his too, were from home, to raise the curtain or the lattice a little and let him see me plainly, at which he would show such delight that he seemed as if he were going mad.
  3. You came here, he has thrown something to you through the lattice of his window I was at dinner with the governor, I saw the object thrown, and I saw Raoul pick it up.
  4. The boles were evenly spaced, and light filtered down into the undergrowth in an intricate lattice.
  5. A leafy pattern covered them to each edge as if stray vines from the lattice roof had turned to white oak and become doors.
  6. The well-manicured primary entrance contained a winding slate path, burgundy shutters adorning large, crisscross lattice windows, and giant rhododendron bushes growing in the front gardens.
  7. Barrymore, of the secret journey of the butler to the western lattice window.
  8. The lattice roof hosted a vine whose fragrant flowers bloomed year round.
  9. A breach in one single pane of glass would have been immediate death nor could anything have preserved the windows but the strong lattice wires placed on the outside against accidents in traveling.
  10. A lattice of canals, white on black, marks the extent of village grounds.