English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "bejaard" word tipies as 'n byvoeglike naamwoord gebruik om iets of iemand te beskryf wat bereik het of gevorderd is in jare. Dit kan ook verwys na iets wat oor tyd gelaat is om volwasse te word of te ontwikkel, soos verouderde kaas of verouderde whisky. Daarbenewens kan "verouderd" gebruik word om iets te beskryf wat outyds of verouderd is, soos in "'n verouderde styl van argitektuur."

Sentence Examples

  1. Its skin was so tight and sallow it was more akin to a walking skeleton covered haphazardly in aged leather than an actual person.
  2. The horse he had borrowed from Jamie was an aged and ponderous animal and the journey was a painfully slow one.
  3. A metal grill guarded the entrance to the drain, but Lance noted that the aged lock had recently been broken.
  4. I assumed she had to be extremely old to have finally aged into middle age.
  5. About thirty other boys, aged fifteen to seventeen, wearing county-issued pants and white T-shirts, sat at the other tables.
  6. As I worked on an aged gouda, I thought about how I was at a standstill with my efforts to exonerate Gregg.
  7. Small businesses came and went in the night while the buildings aged and crumbled.
  8. It seemed the opposite of what I thought ordinarily happened as one aged.
  9. The new arrival was Catherine de Bernay, aged thirteen, daughter to Peter de Bernay, owner of the manor at Assingham just two miles away.
  10. Humphreys accomplice, later named as Alfred Shaw, was described as white, aged about forty, five feet eleven inches tall, thin build with dark brown hair, full beard, sideburns and moustache.