English to afrikaans meaning of

'n lamp kan verwys na:'n Toestel om lig te produseer, hetsy deur elektrisiteit of deur olie, gas of 'n kers te verbrand.'n Houer om vas te hou 'n stof wat lig voortbring wanneer dit verbrand word, soos 'n olielamp of 'n kerosinelamp.'n Bron van geestelike of intellektuele verligting, soos in die frase "'n lamp vir my voete."

Sentence Examples

  1. Somer reached down and slid it from his hold, fishing about on his desk he produced a pair of spectacles and moving an oil lamp closer he read the script on the sheet.
  2. She stopped, peering curiously towards the light and recognising the silhouette behind the magical lamp.
  3. Opposite the lamp stood a statue of Anubis, a Norman crown placed atop his head.
  4. I give him a kiss on the lips and then stretch to turn off the lamp on my nightstand.
  5. TB breaks away to pull off my pants, slipping them free and casting them to the other side of the room in one effort, almost knocking over a lamp.
  6. One hand clutched two parchment rolls to his chest, the other held a lit lamp emitting a steady yellow glow.
  7. A few scattered papers cluttered the desk, the garbage pail had recently been emptied, and what looked like a grade book sat on the corner table near a reading lamp.
  8. Catherine stood alone in the middle of the room while Jack busied himself lighting an oil lamp that sat near the fireplace.
  9. Face to face, their hands together on the lamp, their eyes locked.
  10. Below deck was a square cabin, of which the walls bulged out in the form of cots, above a circular divan in the centre was a table provided with a swinging lamp.