English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "katjie" het veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene betekenisse:'n Klein mak kat, veral 'n jong een.'n Bedrag geld wat deur 'n groep mense saamgevoeg word, dikwels in 'n kaartspeletjie of as 'n gedeelde uitgawe.'n Houer vir klein items, soos 'n naaldwerkstel of 'n gereedskapstel.'n Bynaam vir 'n vrou met die naam Katherine of Kathleen .Ander minder algemene betekenisse kan ook bestaan, afhangende van die spesifieke gebruik van die woord.


  1. kitten

Sentence Examples

  1. What they do is, they pool all their federal money into one kitty of reserve cash to show to the examiner.
  2. She had hardly left the classroom when she realized she had forgotten her Kitty box and dashed back to get it.
  3. In the kitchen, Bodger prowled back and forth, waiting for his kitty nibbles.
  4. Bodger acknowledged the new arrival with a flick of his tail and muted hiss around a mouthful of kitty food.
  5. I told him we could put the money in a kitty for the family, and we could all do something fun with it.
  6. It took a while to lug all my purchases up to the second floor, but eventually, Archie was gifted with the requested cat bed and scratching post, and had wolfed down a bowl of Special Kitty dry cat food.
  7. The kitty chomped down on his food and flicked his black tail at me.