English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "moordenaar" is:'n persoon of ding wat doodmaak, veral iemand wat moord pleeg'n ding wat uiters moeilik is, veeleisend, of indrukwekkendiets wat skadelik of vernietigend is, soos 'n dodelike siekte of 'n kragtige stormslang: iets wat baie indrukwekkend, opwindend of lekker is Let daarop dat die konteks waarin die woord gebruik word die betekenis daarvan grootliks kan beïnvloed, daarom is dit belangrik om die spesifieke gebruik en bedoelde betekenis in enige gegewe situasie in ag te neem.

Sentence Examples

  1. Would the Alliance turn me into a hired killer, too?
  2. He was permanently in his mid to late thirties and handsome, tall and broad-shouldered, with olive skin, dark eyes, and a killer smile that was currently directed at me.
  3. We walked around the house, wading through giant dandelions while trying to avoid killer thistles with one inch thorns.
  4. The cop today, he found their killer and solved an old mystery.
  5. That put her right back on the track of the killer.
  6. Lucky for the jogger, she was only facing a wild dog and not some psycho-maniac, serial killer.
  7. I shook the troubling thoughts from my head, confident my former best friend was not a double killer.
  8. After waking with a killer headache, I had even less patience for a day of being grilled to death by Ms Weston.
  9. It just seemed odd that a killer would target someone so innocuous.
  10. I tossed and turned most of the night while mourning the loss of Lorraine, but when I woke up on Tuesday, the desire to punish the killer was at the center of my thoughts.

TV Series Examples



Did you notice the dagger the killer used?