English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "sap" is:Die vloeistof wat van vrugte of groente kom, gewoonlik as 'n drankie verbruik.Enige vloeibare stof wat word onttrek of afgelei van 'n plant, dier of ander bron.Slang: Elektriese krag of energie.Slang: Politieke of finansiële invloed of mag.Slang: Alkohol, veral 'n sterk alkoholiese drank.Slang: Steroïede, veral dié wat gebruik word vir atletiese verbetering.Voorbeeldsin: "Ek gaan hê 'n glas lemoensap vir ontbyt."

Sentence Examples

  1. I traipsed through the rooms, stripping beds and attending to dollops of this and that stuck fast to walls and floors, to the handprints on the windows, the grime on the stove, the orange juice that had leaked in the fridge, and the hairs in the shower.
  2. When I get back to my desk, the phone has enough juice to display two missed calls.
  3. I fill my glass and put the flagon on the bench beside the juice carton.
  4. Her breath is warm, and it smells a little like her favorite orange juice in the morning.
  5. All that remains in the boot is a small box of assorted groceries and a carton of juice that must have fallen out of a bag.
  6. Harry ate some fried bacon with sliced bread and drank a few glasses of the orange juice.
  7. When I open the fridge, the level of milk and juice look about the same and there is no food to be taken, just a near empty jar of artichoke hearts, another of pimientos in oil, and a half-used bottle of passata.
  8. I prop the juice on top of the box and reach in and pull it towards me.
  9. The police were drinking bottled lime juice and eating peanuts and dried fruit for snacks.
  10. Without a second thought I down the last of the orange juice in the fridge, straight from the carton.