English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord konserwatief kan verskil na gelang van die konteks, maar oor die algemeen verwys dit na 'n persoon, organisasie of ideologie wat tradisionele of versigtige benaderings tot verandering bevoordeel, of heeltemal bestand is teen verandering. Hier is 'n paar definisies van die woord "konserwatief" uit verskillende woordeboeke:Merriam-Webster: a: neig of geneig om bestaande sienings, toestande of instellings te handhaaf: TRADISIONEEL b : gemerk deur of verband hou met tradisionele norme van smaak, elegansie, styl of maniere c : van of met betrekking tot konserwatismeOxford Languages: a: vashou aan tradisionele houdings en waardes en versigtig oor verandering of innovasie, tipies met betrekking tot politiek of godsdiens. b : (in 'n politieke konteks) wat vrye onderneming, private eienaarskap en sosiaal-konserwatiewe idees bevoordeel.Cambridge Woordeboek: glo in of ondersteun die idee dat tradisionele waardes en metodes die beste is, of konserwatiewe idees, metodes of politiek.Collins English Dictionary: Iemand wat konserwatief is of konserwatiewe idees het, is nie bereid om veranderinge en nuwe idees in die samelewing te aanvaar nie. Hulle glo dat dinge wat vir 'n lang tyd gevestig is beter is as nuwe idees of dinge wat onlangs bekend gestel is.Oor die algemeen word die woord konserwatief dikwels geassosieer met 'n voorkeur om die status quo te handhaaf en om vinnige of dramatiese verandering te weerstaan, hetsy in sosiale, politieke of ekonomiese kontekste.

Sentence Examples

  1. Standing well at court, whether the king regnant was of the older or younger branch, whether the government was doctrinaire liberal, or conservative looked upon by all as a man of talent, since those who have never experienced a political check are generally so regarded hated by many, but warmly supported by others, without being really liked by anybody, M.
  2. The front is considerably conservative, fully covering my chest.
  3. While waiting, I assumed her conservative skirt and long-sleeve baby-blue sweater were par for the course when meeting her grandfather for brunch.
  4. The time it takes us, a rather conservative estimate, is fifty hours to get any eBook selected, entered, proofread, edited, copyright searched and analyzed, the copyright letters written, etc.
  5. This tall elegant bird, with its primarily black and white coloring, is initially reminiscent of a conservative waiter in a tuxedo, but the bright red and yellow highlights on its beak quickly establish it as a rakish dandy.
  6. My generation, particularly those with conservative parents and from very traditional towns, which was my upbringing, we were raised to be good wives and mothers.
  7. They scanned the foyer filled with conservative art patrons, along with a handful of eccentric artists and regular people.
  8. Anyone looking at her would have found it difficult to believe that Isis was in fact George Edward Elms who, since the brutal murder of his parents two years ago that brought down the Conservative Government, was now Lord Elms.
  9. It riled him to think how conservative the majority were.
  10. She watched him consume the food his mannerisms were calm and conservative, and he ate with his hands.