English to afrikaans meaning of

die woord "werk" kan 'n paar verskillende betekenisse hê, insluitend:'n gereelde betaalde pos van diens: "Sy het 'n goeie werk by 'n regsfirma." 'n spesifieke taak of stuk werk: "Ek het baie werk om te doen rondom die huis."'n kriminele aktiwiteit, dikwels 'n diefstal: "Hy is gearresteer omdat hy 'n werk by die bank."iets wat onaangenaam of moeilik is om te doen: "Om die motorhuis skoon te maak is altyd 'n moeilike werk."Oor die algemeen is die mees algemene betekenis van "werk". " verwys na 'n betaalde pos van diens.

Sentence Examples

  1. I promised myself to do a better job and stay in frequent contact with everyone, even pull together a family reunion that summer.
  2. The one job I might be qualified for was the one Nell despised more than anything in the Multiverse.
  3. That had been the biggest job of the summer, when a huge group of people from the collapsing world of Zanthar had come through the Passages at once.
  4. Loves his job, but not a big supporter of the whole educational purpose for student enrollment at Braxton.
  5. I made a connection between the missing jacket, Bridget entering Grey Sports Complex just before the murder window, and her job in Diamond Hall.
  6. When I ran into you, I genuinely thought they were going to offer me the job.
  7. I moved back from Boston after the job fell into my lap.
  8. If Coach Oliver was holding out for a job at the Major League Baseball organization, he needed to look good when his best friend, the scout, was onsite.
  9. Ever the talented rascal, Derek was known for dumping his crazy groupies on colleagues and getting everyone else to do his job for him.
  10. A moment of worry crept inside me, wondering whether it meant Eleanor would be out of a job.

TV Series Examples



someone to do his job while he's off



Your job is to make them



My job is out there.