English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "internering" is die handeling of proses om 'n persoon of 'n groep mense in te sluit of aan te hou, veral gedurende 'n tyd van oorlog, politieke onrus of nasionale noodgeval, dikwels sonder verhoor of behoorlike proses. Dit kan ook verwys na die inperking van iemand wat as ’n gevaar vir hulself of ander beskou word, soos in ’n psigiatriese hospitaal. Die term word dikwels gebruik met verwysing na die gedwonge verskuiwing en inperking van Japannese Amerikaners tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog.


  1. imprisonment

Sentence Examples

  1. Just a football field to the north she could see the SS compound and the internment camp beyond, lit up like an outdoor stadium.
  2. Jill tried to recall what she knew about the internment of Japanese civilians in World War Two.
  3. From what she understood, the internment facilities were not death camps, but then again, that kind of thing could be covered up for quite a while.