English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "gevangenisstraf" is die toestand van opsluiting of aangehou word in 'n tronk of tronk, tipies as 'n straf vir 'n misdaad of oortreding. Dit kan ook verwys na die daad om iemand in 'n tronk of tronk op te sluit, of die duur van sodanige inperking. Tronkstraf is 'n vorm van wetlike straf wat dikwels gebruik word as 'n afskrikmiddel vir kriminele gedrag, en word gewoonlik deur 'n geregshof as deel van 'n vonnis opgelê.

Sentence Examples

  1. John Bunsby had requested his passengers to go below but this imprisonment in so narrow a space, with little air, and the boat bouncing in the gale, was far from pleasant.
  2. Myrshan Battle Masters had created a style for their sole use, and non-Adepts were prohibited from using it under penalty of imprisonment.
  3. He could have ordered their imprisonment at any time, on the slimmest of excuses, if he chose.
  4. After his imprisonment all trace of Cervantes in his official capacity disappears, from which it may be inferred that he was not reinstated.
  5. The captain forgot in an instant his anger, his imprisonment, and all his grudges against his passenger.
  6. In a daze, he listened as his own brother passed sentence on him that he must foreswear his magic for four years or face imprisonment.
  7. I had a similar attack the year previous to my imprisonment.
  8. Not only that, but they were weakened from months of imprisonment and experimentation.
  9. Living with guilt and suspicion was far preferable to living with guilt, imprisonment, torture, and the threat of execution or exile.
  10. All crimes against the state are punished here with the utmost severity but if the person accused makes his innocence plainly to appear upon his trial, the accuser is immediately put to an ignominious death and out of his goods or lands the innocent person is quadruply recompensed for the loss of his time, for the danger he underwent, for the hardship of his imprisonment, and for all the charges he has been at in making his defense or, if that fund be deficient, it is largely supplied by the crown.