English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "onvoldoende" is die toestand of toestand van onvoldoende of onvoldoende; 'n gebrek aan wat nodig of vereis word. Dit kan verwys na 'n tekort, tekort of skaarste aan iets, soos hulpbronne, fondse of personeel. Ontoereikendheid kan ook verwys na 'n onvermoƫ of versuim om 'n funksie te verrig of aan 'n bepaalde standaard of verwagting te voldoen. In mediese terme kan dit verwys na 'n onvoldoende toevoer van bloed of suurstof na 'n orgaan of weefsel.


  1. deficiency
  2. inadequacy

Sentence Examples

  1. Blood tests advised by Hope had also shown Anne was a bit anemic and had some adrenal insufficiency caused by stress.
  2. When the illiterate and perhaps scornful trader has earned by enterprise and industry his coveted leisure and independence, and is admitted to the circles of wealth and fashion, he turns inevitably at last to those still higher but yet inaccessible circles of intellect and genius, and is sensible only of the imperfection of his culture and the vanity and insufficiency of all his riches, and further proves his good sense by the pains which he takes to secure for his children that intellectual culture whose want he so keenly feels and thus it is that he becomes the founder of a family.
  3. This Lord Munodi was a person of the first rank, and had been some years governor of Lagado but by a cabal of ministers was discharged for insufficiency.