English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "geïnspireer" is om gevul te word met die drang of vermoë om iets kreatiefs, innoverend of verbeeldingryk te doen, veral as gevolg van die ervaring van iets stimulerend of opwindend. Dit kan ook beteken om beïnvloed of gelei te word deur 'n goddelike krag of bonatuurlike krag, soos in die geval van geïnspireerde godsdienstige tekste of kunswerk. Daarbenewens kan "geïnspireer" beteken dat jy emosioneel of intellektueel gestimuleer word, wat lei tot entoesiasme, motivering of 'n gevoel van doelgerigtheid.


  1. divine
  2. elysian

Sentence Examples

  1. As soon as the robbery was discovered, picked detectives hastened off to Liverpool, Glasgow, Havre, Suez, Brindisi, New York, and other ports, inspired by the proffered reward of two thousand pounds, and five per cent.
  2. John Bunsby, himself, a man of forty-five or thereabouts, vigorous, sunburnt, with a sprightly expression of the eye, and energetic and self-reliant countenance, would have inspired confidence in the most timid.
  3. She did not comprehend, perhaps, the depth of the sentiment with which her protector inspired her, which she called gratitude, but which, though she was unconscious of it, was really more than that.
  4. The crew set to work in good earnest, inspired by the reward to be gained.
  5. Passepartout was now the only person left in the car, and the Elder, looking him full in the face, reminded him that, two years after the assassination of Joseph Smith, the inspired prophet, Brigham Young, his successor, left Nauvoo for the banks of the Great Salt Lake, where, in the midst of that fertile region, directly on the route of the emigrants who crossed Utah on their way to California, the new colony, thanks to the polygamy practised by the Mormons, had flourished beyond expectations.
  6. Inspired by the success of discount chains, he offered a similar business practice to the folks at Franklin, who turned him down.
  7. She filled his life, lit up his days, and inspired in him more physical and mental passion than he had ever imagined he could feel for another person.
  8. With scintillating scales, terrific talons, gleaming teeth and lambent yellow eyes the dragon inspired awe.
  9. The detective was evidently inspired by the hope of obtaining the splendid reward which would be the prize of success, and awaited with a feverish impatience, easy to understand, the arrival of the steamer Mongolia.
  10. Her brilliance and passion inspired him to look deeper within himself.