English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "goddelik" is:(byvoeglike naamwoord)Van, van, of soos God of 'n god.Heilig, heilig.Uitstekend, verruklik, uiters goed.(werkwoord)Om iets te ontdek of te verklaar deur intuïsie of insig.Om iets te raai of af te lei.Om godsdienstige of heilige aktiwiteite uit te voer of daaraan deel te neem.(selfstandige naamwoord)'n Geestelike of godsdienstige leier.(Teologie) God of 'n god.

Sentence Examples

  1. Wrapped up in meditations of a kind which I cannot divine, they pass me by unnoticed.
  2. Talent may make friends for itself, but only genius can give to its creations the divine power of winning love and veneration.
  3. There is much at stake in a battle for a king or a kingdom and religious faith is at the heart of the journey that connects chess, seekers of conquest through perceived divine guidance, and a covenant people.
  4. These were fervent Brahmins, the bitterest foes of Buddhism, their deities being Vishnu, the solar god, Shiva, the divine impersonation of natural forces, and Brahma, the supreme ruler of priests and legislators.
  5. Food cooked by someone else, killer or no, sounded divine.
  6. Nay see whether by bodily strength it be possible to learn or divine the intentions of the enemy, his plans, stratagems, or obstacles, or to ward off impending mischief for all these are the work of the mind, and in them the body has no share whatever.
  7. A clear proof to us that the passion of love is to be conquered only by flying from it, and that no one should engage in a struggle with an enemy so mighty for divine strength is needed to overcome his human power.
  8. Straightway it will come to pass that she will fix her eyes upon the knight and he his upon her, and each will seem to the other something more divine than human, and, without knowing how or why they will be taken and entangled in the inextricable toils of love, and sorely distressed in their hearts not to see any way of making their pains and sufferings known by speech.
  9. Basil said a word, nor Cicero had any knowledge nor do the niceties of truth nor the observations of astrology come within the range of its fanciful vagaries nor have geometrical measurements or refutations of the arguments used in rhetoric anything to do with it nor does it mean to preach to anybody, mixing up things human and divine, a sort of motley in which no Christian understanding should dress itself.
  10. How legitimate it will be for us to play it in this way, and, if we play it frequently, how quickly we shall give checkmate to this Divine King!