English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "onmenslik" is:byvoeglike naamwoord:ontbreek menslike eienskappe van vriendelikheid, barmhartigheid, deernis of sensitiwiteit; wreed; brutaal.nie in ooreenstemming met menslike beginsels nie; onmenslik; barbaars.Voorbeeldsin: Die behandeling van gevangenes in daardie aanhoudingsentrum was so onmenslik dat dit basiese menseregte geskend het.

Sentence Examples

  1. He left his feet in an inhuman leap and streaked towards the yellow scorpion, his emerald sword carving down and slashing through its middle head, cleaving it in half.
  2. The flesh was inhuman, it was oiled in a thick coating of black tar.
  3. It was a funny thing, but despite his inhuman resistance to poisons, Cam always suffered from alcoholic excess.
  4. He stumbled down the stairs, inhuman shrieks chasing him from the church.
  5. She had cut away the infection, she had saved him, but Harry had a suspicion something inhuman lurked within her.
  6. The head of an eyeless beast poked through the jagged pieces of glass that remained, an inhuman wail echoing off the suddenly silent street.
  7. The beast let out another wild, inhuman cry as his matted fur immediately caught fire.
  8. Something dark and inhuman was happening in the world.
  9. His dark eyes gleamed, the pupils disappearing, almost inhuman.
  10. Robert and I encountered a few other members of the Good People as we strolled down the lane, each of them obviously inhuman.