English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "onwaardigheid" is 'n situasie of 'n handeling wat onder 'n mens se waardigheid is of aanstootlik is vir 'n mens se selfrespek. Dit verwys na 'n belediging, vernedering of behandeling wat afbrekend, oneerbaar of onwaardig is vir 'n persoon se status of karakter. Voorbeelde van smaad sluit in om onregverdig behandel te word, om aan vooroordeel, diskriminasie of teistering onderwerp te word, om beledig of gedegradeer te word, of dat 'n mens se regte of waardigheid geskend word.

Sentence Examples

  1. She had also observed how modest I was in my nature, how nicely I regarded my honor, and what an indignity I should conceive it to be exposed for money as a public spectacle to the meanest of the people.
  2. All morning, he drove, lugged meat, and endured the repeated indignity of lying about the welts, scabbing cuts, and bruises, most of which Florence had painted with Mercurochrome.
  3. The sullen soldiers shouldered their empty tubes and fell into their places, like men whose blood had been heated by the past contest, and who only desired the opportunity to revenge an indignity which was still wounding to their pride, concealed as it was under the observances of military etiquette.
  4. It filled her with a sense of rage at the indignity of it all.
  5. These young men crowded into the tavern and listened to the wails of the landlord, and some hurried to the house of the magistrado and saw his wounds, and heard him declaim on the indignity that had been offered the law, and therefore his excellency the governor.