English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "idealisties" is 'n byvoeglike naamwoord wat verwys na iemand of iets wat deur idealisme gekenmerk word. Idealisme is 'n filosofiese of etiese geloofstelsel wat die strewe na hoë ideale, beginsels of perfeksie beklemtoon. Dit behels dikwels die strewe na 'n ideale of perfekte toedrag van sake, en die oortuiging dat hierdie ideale in die wêreld verwesenlik kan word.In die konteks van die woord "idealisties" beskryf dit tipies individue wat hou of idealistiese oortuigings, houdings of gedrag uit te druk. Sulke individue het dikwels 'n sterk begeerte om die wêreld 'n beter plek te maak, om aan verhewe beginsels of standaarde te voldoen, en om doelwitte na te streef wat ooreenstem met hul ideale.In 'n breër sin kan "idealisties" ook gebruik word om idees, teorieë of sisteme wat op idealisme gebaseer is, te beskryf. Dit impliseer 'n fokus op die teoretiese of konseptuele aspekte eerder as praktiese oorwegings of realiteite.Oor die algemeen dra "idealisties" konnotasies van optimisme, 'n verbintenis tot waardes en beginsels, en 'n geloof in die moontlikheid om verhewe te bereik. doelwitte of ideale.


  1. ideal

Sentence Examples

  1. The doctor told me her physical injuries will heal however, Mary is so idealistic.
  2. Even her imagination gave her no sanctuary as it pushed away the happy, idealistic thoughts and flooded her with the possibilities of what was to come next.
  3. It might be idealistic to think I might be able to make the slightest bit of a difference, but I could at least use the blasted Walker name for something decent.
  4. He suspected the various dynamics might even come to resemble each other soon with armed factions fighting originally for idealistic causes, yet eventually breaking down into criminals, murderers, and thieves.
  5. Daniel was too idealistic and would consider it to be exploiting women even if they volunteered.
  6. It was much more to their benefit to use the Intentionists to spy on their enemies and protect their own interests, and even the most idealistic of Intentionists would be hard-pressed to deny a wealthy patron.
  7. This is not about running down some idealistic terrorist with a political grudge.
  8. Ruptah grinned at the young idealistic version of herself.