English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ideaal" is soos volg:(byvoeglike naamwoord)bevrediging van 'n mens se opvatting van wat perfek is; mees geskikte.bestaan slegs in die verbeelding; wenslik of volmaak, maar sal waarskynlik nie 'n werklikheid word nie.(selfstandige naamwoord)'n standaard van volmaaktheid; 'n beginsel of waarde waarna 'n mens streef.'n persoon of ding wat as volmaak beskou word.Voorbeeldsinne:My ideaal vakansie sou 'n maand lange reis na Europa wees.Die maatskappy streef daarna om aan sy kliënte se ideale behoeftes en verwagtinge te voldoen.Hy het 'n idealistiese siening gehad van hoe die wêreld behoort te wees. My ideale maat is iemand wat my waardes en belangstellings deel.Die argitektuur van die gebou is 'n perfekte voorbeeld van die ideale van die Renaissance-tydperk.

Sentence Examples

  1. The squash court served as an ideal makeshift murder room as it was walled throughout in thick glass.
  2. Richard makes a few mental notes of his appearance, taking in the stature, the prominent chin and stern brow, the deep-set eyes, deciding there and then that the man will make the ideal conflicted character.
  3. One theory was that the book was a kind of allegory, setting forth the eternal struggle between the ideal and the real, between the spirit of poetry and the spirit of prose and perhaps German philosophy never evolved a more ungainly or unlikely camel out of the depths of its inner consciousness.
  4. That was the hope anyway the ideal good-news-story that might emerge out of this hateful affair.
  5. There are ideal series of events which run parallel with the real ones.
  6. But, in estimating the amount of power displayed in his works, we must be governed by his own design, and placing them by the side of his own ideal, find how much is wanting.
  7. Men and circumstances generally modify the ideal train of events, so that it seems imperfect, and its consequences are equally imperfect.
  8. An upstairs window was lighted and Sant imagined it offering an ideal view of the events of the previous night.
  9. With all the tents and the shouts of the merchants trying to attract customers, it seemed the ideal place to have a conversation where no one would be privy to eavesdropping.
  10. Not ideal for a clandestine raid, but it would have to do.